Results for ' E. Archer'

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  1.  29
    Changes in the empathy levels of a group of undergraduate medical students: A longitudinal study.E. Archer & R. Turner - 2023 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 16 (2):46.
    Background. The concept of empathy in students has gained significant attention in medical education. Whether implementing formal educational interventions to promote long-term and effective empathy levels leads to sustained increased empathy levels in students, is however less clear. Objectives. The study aimed to evaluate the trajectory of medical students’ self-perceived empathy levels during their 6-year MB ChB degree. Methods. A longitudinal, prospective study was conducted over 4 years. A cohort of 292 medical students was invited to participate. Participants completed the (...)
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    Company Paintings: Indian Paintings of the British Period.E. G. & Mildred Archer - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1):143.
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    Time continuously on target as a function of distribution of practice.Lyle E. Bourne Jr & E. James Archer - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 51 (1):25.
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    Motor skill transfer as a function of intertask interval and pretransfer task difficulty.Gediminas Namikas & E. James Archer - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 59 (2):109.
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    Concept identification as a function of irrelevant information and instructions.E. James Archer, Lyle E. Bourne Jr & Frederick G. Brown - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 49 (3):153.
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    Inverted-alphabet printing as a function of intertrial rest and sex.E. James Archer & Lyle E. Bourne Jr - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (5):322.
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    Effect of distribution of practice on a component skill of rotary pursuit tracking.E. James Archer - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (5):427.
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    Identification of visual patterns as a function of information load.E. James Archer - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (5):313.
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    Pursuit rotor performance as a function of delay of information feedback.E. James Archer & Gediminas A. Namikas - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (4):325.
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    Retroactive inhibition of verbal associations as a multiple function of temporal point of interpolation and degree of interpolated learning.E. James Archer & Benton J. Underwood - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (5):283.
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    Retention of serial nonsense syllables as a function of rest-interval responding rate and meaningfulness.E. James Archer - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 45 (4):245.
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    Supplementary report: Familiarity or low validity?E. James Archer - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (2):207.
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    Transfer effects on a rotary pursuit task as a function of first-task difficulty.Daniel S. Lordahl & E. James Archer - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (5):421.
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    The retrieval of positive and negative information from short-term memory storage for use in a concept-identification task.Richard H. Winnick & E. James Archer - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (4):309-310.
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    Concept identification of auditory stimuli as a function of amount of relevant and irrelevant information.Rosaria G. Bulgarella & E. James Archer - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (3):254.
  16.  23
    Concept identification as a function of obviousness of relevant and irrelevant information.E. James Archer - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (6):616.
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    Effect of long-term practice and time-on-target information feedback on a complex tracking task.E. James Archer, George W. Kent & F. A. Mote - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 51 (2):103.
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    Concept identification as a function of language pretraining and task complexity.Elizabeth A. Rasmussen & E. James Archer - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 61 (5):437.
  19. Ethical aspects of cloning techniques.Anne McLaren, M. Mikkelsen, L. Archer, O. Quintana, S. Rodota, E. Schroten, D. Mieth, G. Hottois & N. Lenoir - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (6):349-352.
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    Information processing behavior: The role of irrelevant stimulus information.Robert E. Morin, Bert Forrin & Wayne Archer - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 61 (1):89.
  21.  30
    Studies of distributed practice: XIV. Intralist similarity and presentation rate in verbal-discrimination learning of consonant syllables.Benton J. Underwood & E. James Archer - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 50 (2):120.
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  22.  53
    Exploiting human and mouse transcriptomic data: Identification of circadian genes and pathways influencing health.Emma E. Laing, Jonathan D. Johnston, Carla S. Möller-Levet, Giselda Bucca, Colin P. Smith, Derk-Jan Dijk & Simon N. Archer - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (5):544-556.
    The power of the application of bioinformatics across multiple publicly available transcriptomic data sets was explored. Using 19 human and mouse circadian transcriptomic data sets, we found that NR1D1 and NR1D2 which encode heme‐responsive nuclear receptors are the most rhythmic transcripts across sleep conditions and tissues suggesting that they are at the core of circadian rhythm generation. Analyzes of human transcriptomic data show that a core set of transcripts related to processes including immune function, glucocorticoid signalling, and lipid metabolism is (...)
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  23.  32
    Concept identification as a function of task complexity and distribution of practice.Frederick G. Brown & E. James Archer - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (5):316.
  24.  42
    Perseveration as a function of degree of learning and percentage of reinforcement in card sorting.Albert Erlebacher & E. James Archer - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (5):510.
  25. Dakin, D. 138 Danforth, M. 197–199 Danilov, I. 192,193 deCerteau, M. 118,129,212 deHeusch, L. 188.L. Abu-Lughod, Abubakr Al Rhasi, E. Ahern, Chief80 Ajamu, Don Pedro Allqamamani, M. Archer, Kaj Arhem, Denise Arnold, Arvi Sena & T. Asad - 1995 - In Richard Fardon, Counterworks: managing the diversity of knowledge. New York: Routledge.
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  26.  12
    Uma autobiografia da razão: a matriz filosófica da historiografia da cultura de Joaquim de Carvalho.Paulo Archer de Carvalho - 2015 - Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
    Corria o ano de 2007 quando o jornalista britânico Peter Trickett publicou na Austrália um livro no qual atribuía a descoberta da Austrália ao português Cristóvão de Mendonça, ainda durante a primeira metade do século XVI. Já nos anos setenta do século XX tinha havido uma acalorada discussão entre historiadores acerca da eventual descoberta da Austrália por portugueses, mas o assunto tinha ficado adormecido durante algumas décadas. Quando em 2008 se publicou, em Portugal, Para Além de Capricórnio. Como os navegadores (...)
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    Girls and Education 3–16: Continuing Concerns, New Agendas. Edited by C. Jackson, C. Paechter and E. Renold.Louise Archer - 2011 - British Journal of Educational Studies 59 (3):351-352.
  28. The Rational Significance of Desire.Avery Archer - 2013 - Dissertation, Columbia University
    My dissertation addresses the question "do desires provide reasons?" I present two independent lines of argument in support of the conclusion that they do not. The first line of argument emerges from the way I circumscribe the concept of a desire. Complications aside, I conceive of a desire as a member of a family of attitudes that have imperative content, understood as content that displays doability-conditions rather than truth-conditions. Moreover, I hold that an attitude may provide reasons only if it (...)
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    Encouraging Active Classroom Discussion of Academic Integrity and Misconduct in Higher Education Business Contexts.Mark Baetz, Lucia Zivcakova, Eileen Wood, Amanda Nosko, Domenica De Pasquale & Karin Archer - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (3):217-234.
    The present study assessed business students’ responses to an innovative interactive presentation on academic integrity that employed quoted material from previous students as launching points for discussion. In total, 15 business classes ( n = 412 students) including 2nd, 3rd and 4th year level students participated in the presentations as part of the ethics component of ongoing courses. Students’ perceptions of the importance of academic integrity, self-reports of cheating behaviors, and factors contributing to misconduct were examined along with perceptions about (...)
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  30.  30
    Why is it difficult for schools to establish equitable practices in allocating students to attainment ‘sets’?Becky Taylor, Becky Francis, Nicole Craig, Louise Archer, Jeremy Hodgen, Anna Mazenod, Antonina Tereshchenko & David Pepper - 2019 - British Journal of Educational Studies 67 (1):5-24.
    Research has consistently shown ‘ability’ grouping (tracking) to be prey to poor practice, and to perpetuate inequity. A feature of these problems is inequitable and inaccurate practice in allocation to groups or ‘tracks’. Yet little research has examined whether such practices might be improved. Here, we examine survey and interview findings from a large-scale intervention study of grouping practices in 126 English secondary schools. We find that when schools are encouraged to allocate students and move them between groups according to (...)
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  31. The evolution of ethics.E. Hershey Sneath - 1927 - London,: Oxford University PRess.
    The ethics of the Egyptian religion, by S. A. B. Mercer.--The ethics of Confucianism, by H. P. Beach.--The ethics of the Babylonian and Assyrian religion, by G. A. Barton.--The history of Hindu ethics, by E. W. Hopkins.--The ethics of Zoroastrianism, by A. V. W. Jackson.--Early Hebrew ethics, by L. B. Paton.--The ethics of the Hebrew prophets - from Amos to the Deuteronomic reformation, by L. B. Paton.--The ethics of the Greek religion, by P. Shorey.--The ethics of the Gospels, by E. (...)
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  32.  17
    Moral Agency Within Social Structures and Culture: A Primer on Critical Realism for Christian Ethics: edited by Daniel K. Finn, Foreword by Margaret S. Archer, Afterword by Lisa Sowle Cahill, Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press, 2020, xiv + 116 pp., $89.95 (hardcover), ISBN: 978-1-626-16800-8, $29.95 (paperback), ISBN: 978-1-626-16801-5, $29.95 (eBook), ISBN: 978-1-626-16802-2. [REVIEW]Angelo Julian E. Perez & Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (4):471-476.
    Daniel K. Finn’s Moral Agency Within Social Structures and Culture: A Primer on Critical Realism for Christian Ethics (Moral Agency for short) contributes well to the mutual enrichment of critical...
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    Development of sex differences in physical aggression: The maternal link to epigenetic mechanisms.Richard E. Tremblay & Sylvana M. Côté - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):290-291.
    As Archer argues, recent developmental data on human physical aggression support the sexual selection hypothesis. However, sex differences are largely due to males on a chronic trajectory of aggression. Maternal characteristics of these males suggest that, in societies with low levels of physical violence, females with a history of behavior problems largely contribute to maintenance of physical aggression sex differences.
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    Obstacles to Ethical Decision-Making: Mental Models, Milgram and the Problem of Obedience, edited by Patricia Werhane, Laura Pincus Hartman, Crina Archer, Elaine E. Englehardt, and Michael S. Pritchard. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 260pp. ISBN: 978–1107000032. [REVIEW]Celia Moore - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (1):147-150.
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    Notas sobre a teoria da normatividade télica: Um novo capítulo da epistemologia Das virtudes de Ernest Sosa.João Carlos Salles - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (145):195-211.
    RESUMO Ernest Sosa é um dos mais importantes filósofos da contemporaneidade. Em plena atividade há mais de cinco décadas, sua obra toma agora a forma de uma teoria da normatividade télica, com a qual Sosa pretende coroar sua procura por uma "knowledgefriendly epistemology". Pretendemos mostrar que esta nova forma teórica instala-se bem no conjunto de sua reflexão epistemológica, procurando Sosa agora, de modo ainda mais preciso, dar resposta, por exemplo, às questões decorrentes do problema de Gettier, da intencionalidade e das (...)
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    Naturalizing Critical Realist Social Ontology.Tuukka Kaidesoja - 2013 - London: Routeledge.
    This important book provides detailed critiques of the method of transcendental argumentation and the transcendental realist account of the concept of causal power that are among the core tenets of the bhaskarian version of critical realism. Kaidesoja also assesses the notions of human agency, social structure and emergence that have been advanced by prominent critical realists, including Roy Bhaskar, Margaret Archer and Tony Lawson. The main line of argument in this context indicates that the uses of these concepts in (...)
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  37. The Final Good in Aristotle's Ethics.W. F. R. Hardie - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (154):277-295.
    Aristotle maintains that every man has, or should have, a single end, a target at which he aims. The doctrine is stated in E.N. I 2. ‘If, then, there is some end of the things we do which we desire for its own sake, and if we do not choose everything for the sake of something else, clearly this must be the good and the chief good. Will not the knowledge of it, then, have a great influence on life? Shall (...)
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    Aristophanes: Thesmophoriazusae.Elizabeth Watson Scharffenberger - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (1):140-144.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aristophanes: ThesmophoriazusaeElizabeth W. ScharffenbergerColin Austin and S. Douglas Olson, eds. Aristophanes: Thesmophoriazusae. With intro. and comm. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. cviii + 363 pp. 2 color plates. Cloth, $195.This long-awaited edition of Thesmophoriazusae is a welcome newcomer to the Oxford University Press series of commentaries on the comedies of Aristophanes. Colin Austin and S. Douglas Olson have collaborated to produce a generous work of scholarship that offers (...)
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    (1 other version)Realist Social Theorising and the Emergence of State Educational Systems.Tone Skinningsrud - 2005 - Journal of Critical Realism 4 (2):339-365.
    This article addresses the issue of theory development in critical realist research. It shows how findings that cannot be accounted for by an established critical realist theory pertaining to a domain, so-called anomalies, may be used to elaborate the domain theory and increase its explanatory power. The main resource for such theoretical repairs is the multi-level character of critical realist theories, i.e. specific theories and theories of domains are based in general meta-theoretical models and assumptions. The specific case examined here (...)
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    Towards an Aesthetics of Archery.Enea Bianchi - 2023 - British Journal of Aesthetics 64 (1):33-48.
    This article discusses the relationship between archery and aesthetics, developing two central claims. First, in order to deliver successful results, the archer should attend not only to efficiency, technique and equipment tuning but also to the aesthetic experience; second, archery shooting methods embody and express ‘life-issue’ statements and desires concerning our relationship with the world. Depending on the archer’s shooting style, i.e., depending on the way in which a shot is executed and performed, the archer’s ‘sportive philosophy’ (...)
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  41.  18
    Readings in the theory of educational systems.Earl Hopper - 1971 - London: Hutchison and Co. (Publishers).
    Notes on stratification, education, and mobility in industrial societies, by E. Hopper.--Social selection in the welfare state, by T. H. Marshall.--Domination and assertion in educational systems, by M. Scotford-Archer and M. Vaughan.--Sponsored and contest mobility and the school system, by R. H. Turner.--A typology for the classification of educational systems, by E. Hopper.--The management of knowledge: a critique of the use of typologies in educational sociology, by I. Davies.--Selection and knowledge management in education systems, by D. Smith.--Systems of education (...)
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  42. A C.E. Real That Cannot Be SW-Computed by Any Ω Number.George Barmpalias & Andrew E. M. Lewis - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (2):197-209.
    The strong weak truth table (sw) reducibility was suggested by Downey, Hirschfeldt, and LaForte as a measure of relative randomness, alternative to the Solovay reducibility. It also occurs naturally in proofs in classical computability theory as well as in the recent work of Soare, Nabutovsky, and Weinberger on applications of computability to differential geometry. We study the sw-degrees of c.e. reals and construct a c.e. real which has no random c.e. real (i.e., Ω number) sw-above it.
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  43.  22
    O Conceito de “Subst'ncia” na Metafísica e nas Categorias de Aristóteles / The concept of substance in Metaphysics and Categories of Aristotle.Paulo Alexandre E. Castro - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020005.
    Resumo: Procurar analisar um conceito como o de Substância é, por si mesmo, entrar no coração da metafísica. Quando este conceito se situa no Corpus Aristotelicum a tarefa ganha outra dimensão pois implica uma leitura conjunta das suas obras principais, a saber, As Categorias e a Metafísica. Tal leitura conjunta levanta desde logo vários problemas: a autenticidade, a articulação entre os seus próprios livros, e sobretudo, a questão fundamental: se é possível fazer uma tal leitura. O propósito do nosso ensaio (...)
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    Thomas E. Wartenberg’s Thinking Through Stories: Children, Philosophy, and Picture Books.Thomas E. Wartenberg, Stephen Kekoa Miller & Wendy C. Turgeon - 2023 - Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice 5:31-43.
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    Contributions to realist social theory: an interview with Margaret S. Archer.Margaret S. Archer & Jamie Morgan - 2020 - Journal of Critical Realism 19 (2):179-200.
    In this wide-ranging interview Professor Margaret Archer discusses a variety of aspects of her work, academic career and influences, beginning with the role the study of education systems played in...
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  46. Louis Couturat et les mathématiques de son époque.Jean Dieudonnée - 1983 - In Louis Couturat, L'oeuvre de Louis Couturat (1868-1914): de Leibniz à Russell. Paris: Rue d'Ulm.
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  47. (1 other version)Collezione di classici delle scienze E Della filosofia curatadai proff. Erminio trolli ed Aldo mieli.T. E. T. E. - 1913 - Rivista di Filosofia 5 (1):131.
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    Penser avec réalisme à l'écoute de saint Thomas.Jean-Baptiste Échivard - 2017 - Perpignan: Arthegè Lethielleux.
    Encore un livre sur saint Thomas, dira-t-on. Que pourrait ajouter celui-ci à tout ce qui existe déjà? Nous voudrions d'abord dans cet ouvrage répondre simplement mais en vérité, et en lisant les textes eux-mêmes de saint Thomas et d'Aristote, à certaines objections ou lieux communs entendus ou lus plus ou moins régulièrement, qui empêchent de commencer à vouloir connaître la pensée de frère Thomas. Il s'agit de mettre en évidence la grande richesse, pour l'intelligence et le coeur humains, de sa (...)
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  49. Oriyanut historit ṿe-tipuaḥ ha-biḳortiyut.Oded E. Schremer - 2004 - Ramat Gan: Universiṭat Bar-Ilan.
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  50.  26
    Nación e historia. La justificación e interpretación histórica de las naciones a finales del siglo XIX y en la primera mitad del XX.Rafael E. Acevedo P. - 2014 - Co-herencia 11 (21):191-227.
    El propósito de este texto es ofrecer una visión general de la relación entre nación e historia en los debates que se generaron por parte de los historiadores y otros intelectuales de las ciencias sociales a finales del siglo XIX y durante gran parte del siglo XX. La reflexión central que se plantea consiste entonces en estudiar y mostrar cómo al mismo tiempo que las naciones modernas eran objeto de un proceso de redefinición política, en el escenario intelectual de las (...)
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